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Russellville EPB Fiber Expansion (68/80) Bowling Green Road



The Russellville EPB would like to inform potential broadband customers along our HWY 68/80 expansion route (blue shaded area on EPB service map), that EPB will begin accepting applications Monday, June 12th. This may be done in one of two ways. Customers may come into the office, or an application may be completed by visiting our website, going to Residential Internet, and clicking Order Now.

The time of service installations have NOT yet been determined. Once sign-ups have been completed, customers will be placed on a list to run fiber to the premises. The EPB Fiber team will notify you for scheduling.

Please be prepared with the following:

· $49.95 installation fee required at the time of sign-up

· deposit (based on selected internet package)

· photo ID

· renters will need a signed Authorization to Perform Work agreement by property owner (available online or in the office)

For further details on internet packages, to view our service area map, or apply for service please visit For those who remain in an area that Russellville EPB SmartNet will soon service, updates will be provided on our website and Facebook as progress is made.


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