October 30, 2023
Russellville EPB SmartNet would like to notify residents along the Highway 431 internet service area that the EPB fiber team has completed Phase I, installation of fiber backbone, of the broadband expansion project.
During Phase II, residents along HWY 431 North will be asked to sign up for service, as each area is announced in sections by their location. We have provided a map with section locations, but these can also be accessed at https://www.epbnet.com and https://facebook.com/EPBofRussellville.
Please be advised that effective immediately, the EPB requests that residents in Section 1 begin the sign-up process by either coming into the office or by visiting the Russellville EPB website. Please note, by signing up, customers will be helping determine the locations of service drops, but will NOT guarantee the date of service. Once sign ups have been completed and service drops have been placed, the EPB will then contact customers for service installations. Currently, no time frame of service can be determined.
Please contact (270)726-2466 with any questions you may have regarding this information.
We greatly appreciate your patience during this time, and look forward to serving you,
Your Russellville EPB Smartnet Team
About EPB SmartNet:
The Russellville Electric Plant Board (EPB SmartNet) is a not-for-profit, public power and broadband services provider. EPB SmartNet serves over 4000 customers within Russellville, KY where its mission is to meet our customer’s energy and telecommunication needs with excellent customer service at the lowest feasible cost, while providing the highest quality of life for our community and employees.